Why storytelling?
Storytelling is a powerful business tool. Good stories create resonance between your brand and customers; they wrap your facts and features in entertainment; and they make it easy for your fans to spread the good word about you.
Too many of us have been told we don’t know how to tell a story. Truth is, everyone can craft a great brand story – they just need the right tools and team. That’s why I put this package together.
The brand storytelling course
I was originally invited to develop this course by a tech incubator that was building out an education curriculum for aspiring digital marketers.
My storytelling course became a favorite for countless students around the world (I’ve included some of their testimonials below). Consequently, it was picked up by another course curator, and another…
With my finely tuned instinct for the obvious, I decided it was time to offer it directly to you.
The course is fun and easy to follow. It demystifies storycraft, bringing in both analog elements (the art of the Post-It note!) and teamwork to make the process faster and fun. The end result is a brand story that captures the imagination, and delivers customer interest.
The Storytelling books
I created these BrandDIY books as a self-help tool for entrepreneurs who want the tools to build their own brand, on their own terms.
If you’d like to dive deeper and really master brand storytelling, check out these books! The course is fun and easy to follow. It demystifies storycraft, bringing in both analog elements (the art of the Post-It note!) and teamwork to make the process faster and fun. The end result is a brand story that captures the imagination, and delivers customer interest.

Telling Your Brand Story
Part 1. Story Basics
Stories create resonance. They build instant alignment between the founder and the customer. And alignment is the fast track to purchase, loyalty and recommendation. This book helps you craft a story arc, create a Post-it note storyline, and build a what is / what could be tension into your story.
I’m a fashion designer and entrepreneur (trying to be, anyways). I just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you for the energy, knowledge and enthusiasm in your storytelling course. With your input I’ve changed my brand bio, hopefully showcasing some of the elements you talked about.
~ Melissa
I took Marc’s workshop the day before an important sales call. I wasn’t planning on it, but in the middle of the call I said “Can I tell you a story?” I went on to tell the story that I crafted in Marc’s workshop and ended up closing the biggest consulting contract in our company’s history.
~ Kyle
I just finished your storytelling course. Loved your teaching – it was very interactive. I have trouble focusing and was actually able to focus on your lectures.
Marc’s energy is so empowering, and fun at the same time. Marc’s lessons were so inspiring, they made my stomach itchy and eager to challenge myself out of my comfort zone.
~ Sara
Marc is the rare professional who combines an encyclopedic knowledge of selling one’s ideas with a razor sharp wit and sense of humour.
~ Rob
Marc delivers actionable, impactful advice right off the bat. He’s able to narrow in on what works, and doesn’t overcomplicate things (music to a startup’s ears!)
~ Emily
I did this to get clear on my brand messaging. In a remarkably short time, Marc’s sharp insights got me rethinking my brand and selling style. He provided actionable tasks I will implement immediately.
It’s rare to find someone who genuinely shares the same level of excitement, passion and deeper understanding of what it is you want to get across to an audience.
~ Laura
About your guide
Marc Stoiber, a creative director and brand consultant, has been crafting powerful stories to sell products and build brands for over 30 years. His narratives have given ‘stickiness’ to global brands like McDonald’s, Budweiser, e*Trade, as well as fast-growing ventures like Smart Sweets, Gardening Know How, and Pathway Innovations.
Marc demystifies storycraft, bringing in both analog elements (the art of the Post-It note!) and teamwork to make the process faster and fun, and the end product universally appealing and memorable.
These lessons, given in Marc’s trademark ‘simple is better’ style, will enable you to craft stories that grab your audience’s imagination, and make your brand resonant and unforgettable.